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Rant, sew, Rant, sew!

Okay- I've got lots of excuses for not posting. Not going to spill them here--- just rant ;-).
How come all the restaurants I've been to lately give Rob all the ice in the water? Is it a conspiracy? Do women in Portland not like ice in their water? What? No one anemics here? When I ask for ice, how come the sneer? Okay- started just switching glasses after waitstaff leaves the table. Only notable exception was the male waiter- who never returned to the table. Grr.  NOTICE: Waitstaff, I leave BIGGER tips for ice! (I know it's a compulsion- ice eaters unite!) Bring on the trays!
Now's my new baby.

Nothing fancy- but wow- what a little work horse! I've been obsessed since I got it. New curtains in the hall, taking pity on the neighbors so they don't have to watch me in the shower or on the toilet, cause lord knows that if I close the bathroom door- I must be escaping and some dog must rescue me! No peeking! Oh and covers for the couch. Shown here - looks like we have a winner- note that's not the covers I made ;-)

Had to throw a few covers on it right after it was delivered, um Rob you'll have to grab a chair.  (He's off on his own rant)
Speaking of ranting, ;-) Please, please! If you walk your dogs in the city, have them on leash! You wouldn't let your 2 year old run across the street by themselves would you? Come on, do you really believe in the option of squirrel/kitty dinner that they are going to look for oncoming traffic? And although I feel for the woman who watched her puppy get hit on Burnside, I have a stronger urge to bitch slap her. Pets/children are a responsibility- step up to the plate! You down the street- put that beautiful border collie on a leash! This is the third screech of car brakes I've heard this week. Doesn't this qualify as animal abuse? You can't blame the drivers when your dog runs in and out between park cars. How do you think your kids are going to feel when they see that horrific event? A few bad apples ruins the pie.
Back to sewing, been watching several green sewing podcast videos- so....while Rob was looking for a chic lamp at VV, I bought 20 or so old sweaters (99 cents each) so I can reconstruct into a coat. Washing them and properly tacking them out to dry so I can cut them up and sew them is testing my patience. Whose virtue is that? ;-) So am now covering all the couch pillows with some groovy 70's material while I wait. Dogs dig it man- you know they can't be fully comfortable without a pillow!

Going to be struggle this next month doing NaNoWriMo and trying to balance my sewing cravings, wish me luck and many words!

"What are you mumbling?"
"I'm trying to get all the bad words out of my mouth"
Another Thin Man

Oh I am so spoiled...look what Rob went and got me to cheer me up! Gluten free beer and my very own jug! Isn't he sweet? (note: Yep that's a North Fork Brewery Glass!) won't be feeling anything after this ;-) GO PHILLIES!


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